The Secret Sauce for AI Unicorns

Prof C Explains
2 min readMar 17, 2021
Just adding an AI to an existing task will not make you an AI Unicorn.

Many new AI applications are formulaic.

Some Everyday Task + AI = AI doing that task being performed as good or better than a human.

Reading medical images, analyzing traffic patterns, or even writing up stories about quarterly earnings reports (Wall street journal uses AI for this). This gives a temporary competitive advantage, but it will not last long.

But the exciting new applications are when AI is combined with other new technologies or bridges between fields.

For example, using blockchain and AI to re-engineer supply chain tracing and payment systems ( Or Use AIs to train neural nets that are then compiled into the firmware of IoT devices ( And even combining AI and 3D printing to make autonomous manufacturing systems and eventually autonomous factories. (

Or consider this: combining autonomous cars (AI) with cryptocurrencies. At that point, as Andreas Antonopoulos has asked, does a car even need an owner? A self-owned car could collect ride-sharing fees from its human occupants in crypto and use that crypto to keep itself updated and maintained.

But if we keep on combining technologies, it gets really interesting.



Prof C Explains

J Scott Christianson: UM Teaching Prof, Technologist & Entrepreneur. Connect with me here: