Public financing of elections needed

Prof C Explains
4 min readMar 27, 2007

by J Scott Christianson, Columbia Daily Tribune Columnist

The November 2008 presidential election is still more than 1½ years away, but 17 candidates are already seeking the Democratic or Republican nomination.

Anyone who hasn’t declared his candidacy risks not being taken seriously despite the fact that every candidate seems obligated to declare he or she is “in it to win it,” which is probably another way to say “I’m not Dennis Kucinich.”

Why do presidential candidates have to start their campaigns so early?

The issues voters will care about in November 2008 are not well defined, nor are the candidate’s positions on those issues. Granted, the Iraq war, the economy, health care and education will all be on our minds in November of ’08, but any one of these issues could change significantly in the coming year.

The reason for starting presidential campaigns so early is simple: money. The next president probably will have to raise more than $1 billion from private sources to win the White House in ’08. No candidate can afford to let a competitor take the lead in raising money. In politics, money follows money.

Whoever can establish an early lead in fundraising will have an easier time raising even more funds.

Though eight people seek the Democratic nomination, the enormous need for campaign funds means there are really only three serious contenders: Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama and John Edwards…



Prof C Explains

J Scott Christianson: UM Teaching Prof, Technologist & Entrepreneur. Connect with me here: