Koster’s switch: Principles or politics?

Prof C Explains
4 min readAug 7, 2007

by J Scott Christianson, Columbia Daily Tribune Columnist

For most politicians, switching political parties can only be done once in a career. We voters can easily move back and forth between parties as times change, but there is no going back for an officeholder. The deserted party simply doesn’t want the traitor back, no matter what the cost.

Last week, Harrisonville Sen. Chris Koster made a dramatic switch to the Missouri Democratic Party, surprising members of both parties with his courageous move — a move no doubt driven mainly by the calculus of Koster’s hopes for victory in the 2008 race for attorney general, but a courageous one regardless.

Unfortunately for Koster and the Democrats, his conversion will not tip the balance of power in the Missouri Senate away from the Republicans. His switch means Democrats will now hold 14 of 34 seats in the Senate instead of 13. Had his seat been the tipping point, Koster’s announcement would have probably been viewed much differently by the minority party.

Instead, Koster’s move is seen mainly as an election tactic by many in a Democratic Party that thinks it already has one too many good candidates seeking the office of attorney general. Koster already has come under attack as a “Blunt Democrat” by those who point to his voting record as evidence of his loyalty to the unpopular governor’s policies. Of course, there are several Democratic officeholders whose voting records aren’t much different from Koster’s, but I don’t…



Prof C Explains

J Scott Christianson: UM Teaching Prof, Technologist & Entrepreneur. Connect with me here: https://www.christiansonjs.com/