I am ALL IN with the Hey.com email platform

Prof C Explains
2 min readJun 27, 2020
Interface features for hey.com (from hey.com)

Over the last three days, I have started moving all my online accounts, newsletters, and personal communications to my hey email account (jsc@hey.com).

Why the sudden love?

One word: Limitations

In tech, there is a false premise that choice is good. Not always. And perhaps only in a few instances. By limiting choice, you might eliminate the 1% of cases where you needed some option, but there is a fighting chance that the other 99% will work well.

Take Medium, for example. A lot of the choices on formatting, styling, embedding content, etc., have been removed for the writer/publisher. Medium is just about writing.

Likewise, hey.com is just about email. Hey.com is definitely email with an attitude. An attitude is what we need to make email useful again.
Email was not built for all the ways we now use it: file transfer service, newsletter distribution service, record keeping, link distribution, quasi instant messenger, etc. Hey.com’s rules put these functions in their place and focus your attention on the emails that matter.

For a good description of Hey.com’s features, please check out Casey Newton’s article in the Verge. Or better yet, sign up and try it out.



Prof C Explains

J Scott Christianson: UM Teaching Prof, Technologist & Entrepreneur. Connect with me here: https://www.christiansonjs.com/