College name game is a troubling trend

Prof C Explains
4 min readOct 3, 2006

by J Scott Christianson, Columbia Daily Tribune Columnist

A friend of mine runs his small IT consulting business from his house in St. Charles. Regardless of the fact that his company consists of himself and his little schnauzer, he has adopted the title “president and CEO.”

When we are given the freedom to pick our own titles, we tend to give ourselves a title that reflects our aspirations, not reality.

The same seems true of Missouri’s colleges and universities. Central Missouri State University, a moniker that the state institution of higher learning in Warrensburg has held for 34 years, has now changed to the University of Central Missouri, or UCM. Not to be confused with UMC, a designation that the Columbia campus of the University of Missouri recently downgraded in favor of MU, not to be confused with MSU, which is the former SMSU.

Sometimes the logic behind these name change games is hard for us non-academics to understand. But understanding the politics and motivations of higher education institutions is not difficult if you just remember one concept: They all want to be Harvard. Or perhaps more accurately, every institution aspires to move up on the higher education great chain of being.

Universities and colleges are classified according to the Carnegie Classification System, which includes dozens of categories for institutions of higher learning. For us lay people, the basic scheme is this: Colleges offer two- or four-year degrees…



Prof C Explains

J Scott Christianson: UM Teaching Prof, Technologist & Entrepreneur. Connect with me here: