Member-only story
Belief in money for nothing leaves people in dire straits
by J Scott Christianson, Columbia Daily Tribune Columnist
The July 25 Tribune chronicled the plight of the Troms, who lost $175,000 to a neighbor’s scheme that promised to earn back their initial investment in 14 days, after which they “would then get $500,000 a month for 10 months, for a total return of $5 million.” You can certainly feel for the Troms, but I imagine most people who read the article were wondering: How could anyone think they can get rich that quick?
Well, it’s the age-old lure of easy money-a fairy tale that is constantly re-enforced in our society.
Television is almost a nonstop catalog of easy ways to get rich. Reality shows are all about “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,” “Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire” or who wants to work for a millionaire. “Extreme Makeover” shows will pick one lucky person or family and either alter their home, body or psyche for the better. Late-night commercials advertise videotapes and books on how to buy houses with no money down and then sell them for thousands or millions of dollars in profit. For a small fee, SMC Corp. will help you learn how to become financially independent by selling their bric-a-brac. It is just amazing that someone would be so nice as to share these secrets on how to make easy money.
These hypnotic messages have us believing we will all be millionaires soon and that someone will come “fix” our lives. While we are in this trance, we don’t question why real wages for…