All Americans should be hooked up to health insurance
by J Scott Christianson, Columbia Daily Tribune Columnist
You go to a luncheon, and someone starts passing the hat for some poor soul who has been diagnosed with cancer and doesn’t have the medical insurance to pay for treatment. You go into the Break Time to pay for your gas and coffee and see another donation jar for some kid whose family lacks health insurance but needs a lifesaving operation.
You can’t ignore the pleas because you know these families will soon be in bankruptcy in a last-ditch effort to save their loved one. And in the back of your mind you always wonder whether that will be you someday.
Like most people, I am getting sick and tired of the fact that we have the most technologically advanced civilization ever but can’t figure out how to provide health insurance to all Americans.
Inaction by the private sector and public officials is causing some organizations to sidestep the insurance industry entirely to create a single-payer system for catastrophic health-care coverage. Biblical health insurance, as it is called, refers to a simple cooperative system of health-care coverage run by religious organizations. Taking their lead from Galatians 6:2, to “bear one another’s burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ,” Samaritan Ministries is one of several groups to offer this type of service.
Samaritan Ministries is careful to say it doesn’t offer insurance but rather a newsletter subscription…